Untethered with Jen Liss

Nothing is Wrong with You: And why your gut has all the answers – with Dr. Craig Farney

Jen Liss | Dr. Craig Farney Season 1 Episode 257

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Ever feel like something's off but can't quite put your finger on it? Dr. Craig Farney is here to remind you: nothing is wrong with you. In today’s episode, we’re exploring how your gut holds the answers to your health and mindset, and how childhood beliefs and other surprising factors shape your adult experiences.

Dr. Craig shares his journey that led him into holistic wellness advocate, offering a fresh perspective on how inherited emotions and beliefs affect our lives. We dive into the science behind gut health and emotional well-being, and discuss how energy frequencies manifest in our bodies.

One of the highlights of our conversation is hearing his intriguing methodologies, including a method that taps into your subconscious to uncover the root causes of health issues, rather than just treating symptoms. 

We explore the incredible power of belief, imagination, and faith in shaping our lives. Dr. Craig shares how your energy even impacts your pets, showing just how deeply our inner state influences our external world.

Key Topics & Takeaways:

  • Your gut holds the key – How your gut impacts your health and mindset.
  • Epigenetics and inherited emotions – how childhood beliefs shape our adult experiences.
  • Gut health = emotional well-being – the connection between energy frequencies and how they manifest physically.
  • The power of belief and imagination – shifting from fear-based thinking to creating a reality of possibility.
  • Inner state influences your external reality – how your energy affects the world around you, from your health to your relationships.

Meet Dr. Craig Farney
Dr. Farney has been on a perpetual journey to understand the meaning and purpose of life and how to use that knowledge to benefit others, Dr. Farney has pursued multiple avenues of education in that pursuit including computer studies, accounting, ministry, and health care. Earning a Doctorate in Chiropractic from Cleveland Chiropractic College-Kansas City in 1991.

Since that time, he has continued his education in many disciplines of health and wellness care including completing a 300-hour course study in functional medicine. He has also pursued his interest in kinesiology, DNA, and epigenetic methylation studies, as well as psychology and human behavioral studies. Dr. Farney holds advanced certification in BioResonance scanning and has trained in biological medicine under Dr. David Jernigan.

Dr. Farney has spent over 29 years in private practice treating a wide variety of conditions and patients from the very young to the aged. He wants to be a part of seeing healthcare improve through cutting-edge technologies in America and around the world.

Dr. Farney enjoys spending time with his family, pursuing wellness for himself, and being active both mentally and physically so that he can experience the highest level of well-being throughout his life.

Website: docerelifecenter.com

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Music created and produced by Matt Bollenbach

Speaker 1:

Hi and welcome to Untethered with Jen Liss, the podcast that's here to help you break free, be you and unleash your inner brilliance. I'm your host, jen, and in this episode we're going to talk about how nothing is wrong with you and how your gut might have all the answers to all of your health and mindset challenges. Let's dive in. Hey there, friend, it's Jen. Welcome back to the podcast. We have Dr Craig Farney on the podcast today for one of the most fascinating conversations I have ever had, except that I've talked to Dr Craig before and it was one of the most fascinating conversations I have ever had. Except that I've talked to Dr Craig before and it was one of the most fascinating conversations I've ever had, and that is why I invited him on the podcast to come and share with you.

Speaker 1:

Dr Craig is a beautiful model of somebody who enters the world, who enters into every conversation, who enters into every consult he has with a patient, with his clients, from the lens of curiosity, and you're going to hear him delve into so many curiosities that are going to make you curious and wonder about things. In this episode we dive into playing in the quantum, we dive into manifestation, we go into inner child work. We talk about the gut and what is physically manifesting in your gut. We talk about parasites that exist within the gut and how that is impacting the way, potentially, that you show up in the world. Or is it the other way around, and how you are thinking and how you are speaking and the things that you are putting into the universe, are they manifesting things in your gut and in your visceral experience?

Speaker 1:

Get ready for a wild ride today with dr craig. So welcoming, without further ado, to the podcast, dr craig farty. Hi, craig, for having me. This has been a long time coming. We've been talking about having you on the podcast for months and months and you're finally here. It is everything, everything. That was the reminder that I just gave to people just yesterday in one of my coaching calls Everything, always in perfect timing.

Speaker 2:

That's right. Exactly, I think that's one of the problems we tend to run into is we fight against life instead of flowing with life?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I mean, that's what it is Flowing with life instead of fighting against life. Yeah, how have you? You are a very interesting person and what you do is so interesting that I would love to get to that, because we obviously need to describe what you do. But I'm curious when you were a child, did you picture yourself as a doctor of some sort? Is that something that you pictured yourself doing when you were a kid? What did you think that you would be doing when you?

Speaker 2:

grew up, I was going to play professional football. Now, you know, the fact that I stayed rather small didn't help, so that dream quickly changed. But yeah, as a kid that's really. It's kind of moved all over the place. So, but that's really, as a kid, what I thought I was going to do.

Speaker 1:

That's awesome. Did you play up until high school or college or anything, or was that a young oh?

Speaker 2:

yeah, I didn't get not into college, I played in let's define that term playing also because standing on the sidelines during a game it's not technically playing, but so my expertise kind of came at family get togethers. I was pretty quick and I can move around pretty fast. Then I got into school, and especially high school, and kids were bigger and faster and stronger and so it wasn't meant to be and I'm okay with that.

Speaker 1:

I love it. It's so fun to look back and see some of the things that we did love as kids, though, and how we end up bringing some of that love into what we do, no matter what it is that we do. So when did your curiosity around health and wellness and helping people to live their best life, when did that start to come in for you?

Speaker 2:

So in order for us to get there, I'm going to kind of talk about the negative or downside that kind of led into this. So one of the things I've really worked on a lot lately most people have heard the concept of inner child, maybe even the concept of an inner parent, so that's kind of an area I've kind of delved into a lot. I've always been fascinated by the why of life. I mean, I could summarize my life in that question why? Because it's always why did this happen? Why did this happen? And as I've kind of dived into this more and more and more, one of the things I've kind of realized recently is as a child we develop a very emotional, sometimes very irrational based belief system, and I think this really kind of floats around about three aspects of life one, what we think and feel about ourself. Two, what we think and feel about others. And then three, what we think and feel about the divine. And from that I think we have this expectation of this is how life works. It's, it fits into what we expect out of marriage, what we expect out of being a certain gender, even occupations, all this type of stuff that gets established as a kid, and especially, I think, the first formative years of our life, when we're just really existing within mom and dad's world. And then what happens is we go to school and it doesn't exactly match up. You know, not everybody has the exact same scenario, the same expectations as you do, and I think that starts to create this quandary in our mind of going wait a minute, I'm experiencing this and I feel this and I think this and other people don't, and I think as we move into adulthood we develop more of a rational, logical, based belief system.

Speaker 2:

What I found for me is underneath there was this undercurrent all the time of this childhood belief system. Now it's not the good stuff that we do bring forward. That's the challenge point. I mean, who doesn't want to have more peace, joy and love? I think the biggest part for all of us as human beings is and we tend to perpetuate this from generation to generation is something's wrong with me. I'm not good enough and everybody has kind of their different framework.

Speaker 2:

For me, where my challenge point came was more within the financial realm. So I kind of developed this belief system around. I could summarize it into the word lack. I viewed myself from a lacking perspective, and so now there's this underlying current that's been in every aspect of my life, and now that I kind of got a hold of this, I can look back over my life. And I've lived my life either one trying to disprove lack or to try to overcome lack, all the while, though still at a again as this childhood belief, which is not rational, just feels lacking no matter what I would do. And until I came to this point that I actually fully realized it and I would almost say, fully embodied it, just that I accepted you know what? This is what I felt, believed and thought as a kid. Now I can do something with it. Now I can kind of bring that rational concept, logical concept, to this childhood belief system, almost as if me as an adult now could sit down with myself as a child. And that's one of the concepts I really like talking with people about is, if you could now, with the knowledge that you gain, sit down with you as a child, what would you say? What would you talk about, what would you? And it's really learning to listen to that feeling that most of us, I think, struggle against to go. Okay, I understand you feel this. Let me help you see it from a little bit different perspective and more of a complete perspective.

Speaker 2:

So, with all that said, I'm coming into my adulthood from this lacking mindset, especially in the financial realm. So what I started looking towards is where can I make money, especially in the financial realm? So what I started looking towards is where can I make money? Here's the problem, though, is I sought it and yet didn't. At the same time, didn't believe I could have it. So I'm caught in this turmoil of I want it, I can't have it. I want it, I can't have it. I want it, I can't have it. And it wasn't until recently, which kind of almost drives me crazy, because at 59 years of age, I'm going. Couldn't we have figured this out about 30 or 40 years ago? But that's kind of what I've started to realize.

Speaker 2:

I'll give you an example that I think most people can relate to. It would be a really good idea if I go exercise and I don't feel like it. But where does that feeling come from? And I don't feel like it? But where does that feeling come from? Because if we just acted out of our logic, we would do healthy stuff. It's when these feelings come into play and push back against it, I think that we really have the issue.

Speaker 2:

So with that in mind, I went through a couple of other pathways. I thought I was going to be an architect. I thought I was going to be getting into computer science, which I understand. When I was in college, computer science was these little cards you slid through a machine, not what we have today. A little different. Yeah. I delved into a little bit of youth ministry and then back into computer science and then into accounting, and then I had a bunch of relatives that were in chiropractic. They were chiropractors and I saw them making good money and I'm like I would like that lifestyle. So I started it and so kind of a quick synopsis of it I went into traditional chiropractic and people would get better and I would get to a certain level of progress.

Speaker 2:

But then kind of like we hit this plateau point and again that why? Question started coming to play of going, and again that why question started to come into play of going. Okay, what else can I do? And so then I went into functional medicine and eventually ended up into current of I want to make money, I want to make money. So I'm battling between this how do I do what's best for the patient and how do I make more money. So, as I got really good honest with myself, there were times where, yes, I care about the patient and also, hey, this is maybe another way I can make money, and that's what I think, it kept it from being fully as genuine as I would want it to be. And so, as I've learned to be able to do this, now I can really more from a fully genuine aspect, go what can I do to help you, and the money will take care of itself.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, thank you for sharing so much of your journey and, really honestly, the things that you have moved through yourself. You know a lot of listeners of this podcast are business owners and they desire to be business owners and we live in the world that we live in. That is so money driven. We obviously live in capitalism. Money is part of an actual basic human need that we have so that we can. I mean there's safety. Our safety is wrapped up in finances, so it's definitely a part of our lives. For better or worse. It exists and it is something that we're thinking about as business owners. Can you offer in the journey that you've been in? Do you have anything that you can offer for the person who might be in that same place who's like okay, that sounds like my story too. What has really worked for you to move through some of that and what are you seeing, maybe even in some of the people who you work with, who you can now turn and help with what you've worked with?

Speaker 2:

So, first of all, one of the things I think is really challenging in our world in general is there's this constant struggle between what I would call capitalism and socialism. It's, how do I take care of me and how do I take care of other people, and finding that balance point is really tricky, from both political, economical, all that type of stuff. What has helped me personally more than anything else is I just got this place of being really gut, honest with myself, because I think so many people come to this place of being really gut, honest with myself, because I think so many people come to this place of going I shouldn't think, I shouldn't feel this way, and so they try to battle against it as opposed to just going. I'm going to just be real with myself, and I use that term gut for a specific reason, because I think we tend to think with our head, we tend to feel with our heart and we tend to believe with our gut, and tend to feel with our heart and we tend to believe with our gut. And as I could just get real with myself, no judgment, just going, it doesn't matter whether I should or shouldn't feel or think something, I just do. I think this, I feel this, I believe this.

Speaker 2:

Once I can get hold of that, because I think the problem is so much of this is buried in our subconscious and unconscious mind that if we don't bring it up to conscious awareness you're not going to change it.

Speaker 2:

It's habit. I didn't realize again until recently that so much of this I would call it unconscious belief and subconscious feeling was playing below the surface all the time and I didn't realize. And it's just until I can become aware of it. And what I always ultimately want to drive towards is to me, what we think drives what we feel, drives what we believe. That then comes around and drives what we eventually think, what we eventually feel, what we eventually believe and do. And so until you can get to that thought place, you're not going to change it, you're just going to feel what you feel and you can't do anything to change it until you know why you think and feel what you feel. Because once I got hold of this childhood thing and I could just grasp hold of it, then I could bring some rational, logical thinking and go okay, wait a minute, that doesn't really make sense, I don't have to keep doing this. Okay, wait a minute.

Speaker 1:

That doesn't really make sense. I don't have to keep doing this. Yeah, a lot of the even recent research on this shows that it's not even our thoughts and our behaviors and our beliefs, it's actually somebody else's far down the line. The study of epigenetics is so fascinating, and how we can be physically carrying these things in our minds, our bodies, our hearts, and so we're just acting those out. So I want to talk about the gut. If we can, I'll let you respond and then let's get into the gut, because I know you've got stuff to say there.

Speaker 2:

I just want to throw a little caveat into what you just said.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

The other thing that's interesting is research shows that as much as 50% of what we remember from our past is either an embellishment or an outright lie. Tell me more, so, okay, so we come to think and feel and believe something right Based upon an experience, we have to have justification of that. So if you think back on your past, think back on something that happened that wasn't good, that you didn't like, you had a negative experience Research shows that you're not completely accurately remembering that experience that you base now this thought, belief and feeling. It's like this have you ever seen those words that are out of order or they put numbers in, and somehow it's like your brain fills in. Our brain fills in information all the time. It fills in a story, and so it's. This is what I think is, if you applied logic to your experience, it's not as big as we made it out to be, so the brain has to emphasize it or magnify it. So it's like, oh yeah, now the feeling Got to add some color Exactly.

Speaker 1:

It's like the play-by-play person in sports, but then there's the person who adds the color Exactly.

Speaker 2:

Well, and like you said too, then you throw on that other twist of some of this isn't even yours and yet you're. That's where I think, even sometimes people that talk about past lives, I would almost go is it truly a past life, or is it something that's just in your DNA that you're experiencing as if it is your life?

Speaker 1:

Which we kind of, because in some essence it expressing and those genes expressing is creating the thoughts, and so a past life is actually genetic things being activated. I don't know. I hope I live long enough to find out if that's true.

Speaker 2:

Well, yeah, that's because my viewpoint is our genetics are a history book because there's so much of it they go well, this is just useless stuff, stuff. And I'm like, no, it's not to me, it's. It's a, it's a storybook of everything that's preceded you and I. I hope in my lifetime we find a way to actually kind of like that old star trek concept that you can actually read. Energy, because I think there is so much more information that we have no way to access at all in the energy field and if we can learn how to do that, I think we evolve or improve so much farther beyond where we already are.

Speaker 1:

We could go down that rabbit hole all day and maybe we will sometime on another podcast episode. I do want to get to the gut, because I know that it's something that you work with very deeply, and you and I even had a consult and you were like girl, you got some stuff going on in your gut, and so I would love to hear because what you mentioned was gut honesty and listening to your gut, which is some of the work that I do is helping people come back into their bodies and listen to the messages that the body is telling you and begin to trust your body more. So I'd love to hear your perspective on why the gut matters so much and what's going on with that with people.

Speaker 2:

I think there's a couple of factors in there. One is, I think it's where the inner child lives is in the gut. Think about it this way If you ever talk about people, talk about emotions, they talk about stuffing them down inside. So where are we stuffing them? They're not getting stuffed up here and they're not really getting stuffed in here. They're getting stuffed down inside of us, into our gut. I believe this is why people have so many gut health issues is because they've stuffed so much energy down into the gut that it's not processing, it's not moving and that creates gut issues. So, in connection with that also, what I think too is I think we've talked about everything is energy and energy.

Speaker 2:

Each energy has a unique frequency and I think what happens is some of the frequencies that we stuff down in there are matching frequencies of things like parasites and bacteria and yeast and all this other type of stuff, and so I think what starts to happen is that frequency that we've stuck down inside there starts to resonate and we even attract that almost like a magnet to ourselves. Or even I would take it even possibly a step further we are actually creating. I have this viewpoint. Einstein said, e equals MC squared. So to me, energy is dispersed matter and matter is condensed energy. So what I'm wondering is do we actually take the energy Like? People will talk about this all the time. You can have a. Someone has a parasitic personality, you know. Someone just sucks the life out of you, so that's what we tend to attract. I think we can almost generate that, even within ourselves at a matter level. Does that make?

Speaker 1:

sense You're becoming a black hole.

Speaker 2:

It's like we experience something on an energetic level and the longer we let it stay there, the more it almost becomes more solid and becomes more of a. I see this all the time in the way. To me when I work with people is think about it this way A thought to some degree is almost just an energy construct that then becomes more of a physical thing, and the longer it sits there, the more it actually manifests in a matter state. And I even look at this as I'm dealing with people, as I mean dealing with something on a bioenergetic, spiritual level, to a psycho, psychological level, to a physiologic level, to a very, uh, solid, tissue, organic matter. To me, when it gets down into that state, this has been here either very intensely or for a long time that it's. It's gotten that far along that it's actually a material problem as opposed to just a concept problem, because I think everything ultimately starts as an energy thought process but then becomes a habit that then just becomes part of who we are and who we manifest.

Speaker 1:

Is moving and as it starts to slow it starts to become matter, and as it starts to slow even more, it becomes dense and then it becomes something like a physical manifestation. Does that feel accurate to what you're saying?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, well, because, think about this, the most solid matter have very little vibration. The things that are most dispersed have a lot of vibration. So, yeah, it just becomes more and more solidified. It becomes more and more condensed, less and less motion.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I've been doing a lot of yoga and I will say, the more that I move things and the yoga teachers keep explaining to us, the more you move these joints, the more they lubricate, the more mobile everything is. And so that makes sense to me, when we think about it from a logical perspective, that the more mobile everything is, and so that makes sense to me when we think about it from a logical perspective, that the more energy is moving, things are flowing fluidly and freely and you have a lot more flexibility and more openness. For the manifestors here in the room, you're probably resonating with that whole idea. Question for you how does that come into the reality of what we are experiencing in our very human bodies and how is that impacting our inner child, who might be living in our gut?

Speaker 2:

So I'll go back to that concept of we start as a thought that becomes a feeling, that becomes a belief, which becomes more solid, which I think I'll jump into. That concept of people go well, this is all in my head. No, it's not as in your body. You're literally experiencing something to me. Again, I'm going to go back to. But why are you experiencing, if we're having gut dysfunction or parasites, or why? What? Especially if you've gone from not having an issue to having an issue that's developmental? What changed? Why did what was once normal function physiology become dysfunction? And so I think, multiple thoughts. That's one of the things. If you haven't figured out by now, I think about a lot of stuff, some things if you haven't figured out by now, I think about a lot of stuff.

Speaker 1:

Well, and I was going to say before you hold your thought there, one of the things and for the listeners, one of the things that I think is so cool about you is that you approach life more from questions than a knowing, and it's so. What we expect of people, and especially of experts, is to come at us with knowing, and I believe what the world needs more of is more questions than we have answers, and that's going to lead us to even better answers more questions, and you're approaching it from that perspective, which I think is super cool and valuable.

Speaker 2:

I would almost like to challenge anybody. I don't care what you think you're an expert on, prove it, prove it. Let's take one of the. Let's take a creationist versus an atheist. Okay, creationist says God created the world. An atheist goes no, it didn't. It was a big bang. I'm like how do you know? You weren't there. We are trusting people before us, even as a scientist. You're your science, it's all faith there. There is no proof from my perspective. There's experience and even beyond that, there's a perception of experience To me. If you don't ask questions, how arrogant is it to think you know everything and you have all the answers? That's no, that's dumb from my perspective. You got to keep asking questions and life's going to keep sending you. If you think you got it all figured out, life's going to keep sending you more things. No, you don't have it all figured out.

Speaker 1:

It's a lot easier to ride the wave when you're curious than when you try to know and you're grappling for control over that.

Speaker 2:

In all this stuff we talked about I was just talking about this with a patient here today is going and everything that I realized in life this is the one thing I realized is it's all about surrender. We spend so much of our time fighting against life. Now, don't miss here, I'm not saying surrender to a disease or any of that type of stuff, but it's it's instead of fighting against it. It's what do you do with what is as opposed to? I got to, I think, so many people and this goes back to this concept If we have this inner child that thinks he's not good enough and um, something's wrong with them, you're going to fight against that and they spend so much of the time trying to not be something as opposed to be something I mean.

Speaker 1:

I think you'd be hard pressed to find a human who hasn't grappled with that.

Speaker 2:

No, because I think well, I think it's what we tend to perpetuate from generation to generation. Because the thing I realize is part of the reason I don't feel good about, or, you know, I feel like something's wrong with me and I'm not good enough is because my parents did and because their parents did, and because their parents did, and, and even beyond that, there's just a general energy in the world of. There's just this underlying thing that I'm not good enough. Something's wrong with me. Oh, that's I think that's one of the most comforting things I've come to realize is going what if there's nothing wrong with me and what if I am good enough?

Speaker 1:

What a shift.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Which kind of releases some of the expectations. You started this conversation talking about expectations, and I consider expectations to be some of the biggest tethers, and one of the big realizations for me was oh, I am the creator of the tethers, I'm the creator of the expectations. I can change the expectations, and the most beautiful way that I found to change the expectations is to ask a question, and that has helped me. I also think there's these very basic things. Like you said, it's I'm not good enough and something's wrong with me. I'm going to hurt people is another one of mine, which maybe is also somewhere in. I'm not something's wrong with me.

Speaker 1:

I'm going to hurt people is another one of mine, which maybe is also somewhere in. I'm not something's wrong with me, probably. It's maybe wrapped up in that too, but those are. Those are my three, and I've heard that I might hurt people from a lot of my clients, probably because we magnetize to each other, and so I'm like let me help you with that, because I've been there. So those and those are almost wrapped up in expectations too, because you wouldn't feel like something's wrong with you if you didn't have a certain set of expectations that you felt were placed on you, right?

Speaker 2:

Right, well, the other thing that. So we've talked about the inner child concept. Now let's tie in the inner parent concept, because, think about this, the child just wants to do whatever the child wants to do. And here's the tricky part is, I think this is where it gets. We try to live from one end to the other place, and you've got to bring them together, because the child is the one that has all the energy, all the creativity, all the spontaneity, all the fun. The adult is the one that helps guide and uses some logic and some rational thinking to help utilize that energy in a healthy way.

Speaker 2:

The problem is when the child gets separated and the adult goes well, you should do this, and you should do that, and you have to do this, and you got it, and you got it, and you got it and you got it. And we tend to, by default, acting or thinking similar to our parents, and now we treat ourselves from that mindset. And so this is where that expectation comes into play of going well, I should do this, or I gotta have this or it's. And that doesn't work either, because all you're left with is feeling guilty. And so, again, in your best moment, if you could sit down with your inner child and go, hey, let's, let's talk, let's come together, let's, because then you have both the health and energy of the child and you have the logical guidance and the wisdom that the parent tends to bring. And now you bring the two together.

Speaker 2:

And now To me, the ultimate goal is wholeness, and that's what I'm looking for. So if I can bring these two together, that wholeness, that gut level Genuineness that we all desire, I think comes into play, and I think that's where. And us that we all desire, I think comes into play. And I think that's where you've probably heard the term imposter syndrome, and self-sabotage is basically the concept. But I think that comes from both of these two not acting in coordination together. When we're just acting out of the head, we don't have the feeling behind it, so we feel like an imposter. When we just let the child do whatever it wants and we tend to sabotage ourself because the child feels like it's not good enough. So if you have something good, well, that doesn't line up with what the child has come to believe. So the child goes no, I got to destroy that because that's not real.

Speaker 1:

So fascinating. So in your way of describing, I think, where we were at a few minutes ago, was talking about the child as being in the gut and being in that area of the body, and I think at the beginning you had described the parent as kind of the heady part, the rational mind. What about the heart? Where's the heart connection?

Speaker 2:

So the heart's the battleground. Am I going to feel the feelings of the parent or am I going to feel the feelings of the child? Am I going to feel the feelings of the child? So here's the tough you can also. Love is a battlefield, absolutely, and where do we? What is the number one disease in the world? Heart disease. Right, and I will tell you. I think that's why is because it's the battlefield, because the heart is. The heart is trying to balance these two out and go okay, do I go with the logic of the adult? Do I go with the emotion of the child? And you can kind of divide it.

Speaker 2:

Another little way to I think is interesting is you kind of alluded this a little bit too is thoughts are the language of the head, feelings are the language of the head, feelings are the language of the body. And when you're not listening this is why I think sometimes we have body issues, because it's the child seeking to speak or it's the body seeking to speak and we're not listening to it. We're just powering through and going well, this is what I'm supposed to do. It doesn't matter what I feel. I got to just get this done. And if we would slow down and listen. There's a reason we have the conditions we have. It's the body seeking to communicate, and if we would learn to listen to that, I think we'd get a lot farther along.

Speaker 1:

So let's talk about how you do that and the work that you do. How do you help people to better listen to their bodies? I was introduced to you because we have a mutual friend, a client of yours. I've worked with this individual as well, and they are seeing that there's so much connection in what we do and we do it in very different and unique ways. So listeners of this podcast have heard my perspective, and so I would love to hear exactly how is it that you help people to listen to their bodies?

Speaker 2:

Okay. So in our office we do what's called somatic resonance testing. Most people have probably heard of like applied kinesiology testing, where they, you know, they test a strong muscle type, that type of stuff. It's that same basic concept, except now we don't necessarily have to engage the muscle. I can. It's really just a way to ask the body question. And so I kind of start with this example Just about everybody has walked into a room full of people and felt an instant connection to somebody, or they feel that opposite of going.

Speaker 2:

No, there's something bad here and we tend to call that a vibe. So this gets into that concept of everything is energy and everything is vibration, of everything is energy and everything is vibration. That reaction is a subconscious to unconscious awareness. That's picking up on information. Yes, it's some of the things we see. Yes, it's some of the things they say and we hear. It's more even. There's other information we're picking up on about this individual. That's at an energetic level that we're going. Okay, we have a certain response to. So it's really just harnessing that ability that we all have to be aware of, what's in our subconscious and unconscious, that intuitive sense that people talk about. It's just creating a system to work within that.

Speaker 2:

So we have a way of asking the body questions and go okay, there's a lot of things that could be going on, and there's a couple of things that I think we do really well. One is it's learning to listen to the body, and we use energy to ask that questions, or energy testing. The second thing we ask is what's the priority? Because you can do a lot of things to try to help your body, and the body may be doing that for a reason, and I'll give you an example. So there's a particular type of parasite called hookworm that can get in the gut and actually chew the ends of the microvilli off, which then allows large food particles in, which then can create food allergy issues as well. One of the things that this particular parasite feeds on is iron. So think about this If it feeds on iron, the body goes. I want to get rid of this parasite. I'm going to drop the iron levels, which gets us into anemia, right. So now I'm going to treat your anemia because you got low iron and the body goes. I'm doing that for a reason. Leave me alone. And so if I go after a symptom and I don't actually ask the body, is that an important thing to do? Now? We're just perpetuating a problem, even though we're doing it for a good reason. So this is where we ask the body you tell us what the priority is?

Speaker 2:

Because from my perspective we are layers and layers and layers and layers of adaption Ultimately to what I would consider traumas. As a child and sometimes people think traumas are like abuse and all that type of stuff If I perceive something as I'm not good enough, that is a trauma to a degree. It doesn't always have to be big traumas. It can be small things that then become perpetual habits that then the body has to adapt to. And I really kind of break life, every moment of life, down into one of two things.

Speaker 2:

In every moment of every day, your brain and body is saying one of two phrases either I can or I can't. If it says I can, we go into peace and joy and love. If it says I can't, it's anxiety, joy and love. If it says I can't, it's anxiety, sadness and anger. This is the fight or flight mechanism of life. Guess what? We don't get healthy over here. It's not possible, because if you're being chased by a bear, the body goes. I don't care if I'm healthy or not. I just got to get away from this bear and survive. The problem for us, especially here in the United States, is we tend to stay in this on a subconscious, unconscious level. We're just here all the time, or at least a portion of us is in this state of fight or flight. I think that's what perpetuates disease, because you can't heal in fight or flight.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you cannot heal. You cannot be creative either For my creators in the audience. You can't be creative in fight or flight. It happens in the parasympathetic nervous system.

Speaker 2:

And I'm going to tell you what's even interesting I'm going to. I'm going to give a shout out to a guy I listened to a lot is Joe Dispenza. I don't know if you've listened to any.

Speaker 1:

I love Dr Joe yeah.

Speaker 2:

That dude is. He's got a lot of answers and one of the things I kind of struggle with is I'm going we're in this battle between sympathetic and parasympathetic and so I'm like, well, you don't ultimately get all parasympathetic because then you're not alive and you don't want to be all sympathetic because then you're going to blow up. And he talks about this state of ecstasy where you're in actual gamma level brainwaves. That's incorporating both and it's kind of like this hyper autonomic balance. Because he said something I totally agree with is all disease is autonomic dysregulation. When we're in this battle back and forth, it doesn't work. When they are in coordination, then we become supernatural, that's beautiful.

Speaker 1:

I think of it like having a window of tolerance and you're dancing inside of that window where you're able to toggle back and forth. Do you feel like that's different or that's the same idea? I'm fascinated by this idea of being in. Can you be in both at the same time? Is that what he's saying, or is he saying that you're toggling back and forth between the two?

Speaker 2:

Let me see if I can't frame it a little bit different and see if this yeah, thank you. The challenge for most of us is we let our environment dictate our state, as opposed to going I'm going to be in charge of my state and this kind of ties in that concept of surrender regardless of my environment. Let's put it this way I, I I got so many thoughts going here I want to share here. I think it's funny, so I even had okay. So let's think about this you got a bear chasing you, right? Is it possible to not be in fire flight if a bear is chasing you? And here's what. And here's what I'm laughing at.

Speaker 2:

So I don't know if you've ever seen this. I think it's like a tiktok video where it does the same thing with sharks and it it shows this um guy talking about okay, so when the shark comes to you just want to gently kind of push its mouth closed and push it away, and all of a sudden there's this little kid in a a um car seat going uh, bullshit, uh, bullshit, uh, bullshit, and it does the same thing with the bear. But I'm like, okay, wait a minute. If everything ultimately is energy, can I get to this place almost supernatural, to a degree that I radiate such an energy that it doesn't attack me? Is that you get what I'm saying I hear what you're saying.

Speaker 1:

it's fascinating to think about because here's a current experience that I have. I have a this new rescue dog. I've told you about him because he canceled our last podcast interview because he ate a big foil packet and I was very concerned. When I am radiating peace, he is peaceful. When I am radiating stress, he is stressed out and he will jump on me, but he will not jump on me when I am. I've been playing with this, I've actively been playing with this. He, his energy, shifts when my energy shifts. It's fascinating to watch. I don't know about the bear situation. I'm not going to try that.

Speaker 2:

I'm not going to put it to the test right now and I'm definitely not jumping in the ocean and go, yeah, let's give that a shot. No, I don't do that, but I bring it back into. Okay, let's take it. Okay, my kid gets sick, or I got to build a plate, or it's how I interact with these situations, especially ones that really aren't danger. We're interacting with environmental situations that are not truly dangerous, especially not life-threatening dangerous, as if they are. If I can change my state now, I, for one Dr Joe talks about this too when we go into fight or flight, we narrow in our focus, and when we come out of fight or flight, we open up our focus, which means we're open to more possibilities.

Speaker 2:

What I think I'm going to simplify it down into this is in the midst, when you're let's say, you're late on your mortgage, you can get anxious and you can feel sad and depressed and you can feel anger, and it's not going to do anything for it. All it's going to do is make you feel bad. Going to do is make you feel bad If I could stay in peace and find joy and be loving, not because of it, just in it, because I think, ultimately, what we seek, anyway, is a feeling. I think all of us want to feel. This happiness, this wholeness. That's my ultimate goal is if I can have complete peace of mind, complete joy of heart and complete love of soul. To me that is wholeness, that is happiness. Still a lot from Dr Joe, so I'm giving you credit, so hopefully.

Speaker 1:

You're putting it through your filter, which I think is somewhat easier to understand. You do such a beautiful job of explaining it in a very real way.

Speaker 2:

Thank you. It's this place. If I can come to this place of wanting nothing, then I'm whole. It doesn't mean I don't engage and interact with and enjoy an experience. It's just I'm not letting that experience control me. I'm controlling my state of wholeness. Say I need to do my taxes, that's relevant right now.

Speaker 1:

If I need to do my taxes and I just believe that I'm in this state of wholeness and goodness, I believe that I won't get the taxes done because I think that my fear is I'm using and I'm so used to using my fear and the tension and the stress to motivate me to get it done. So what's your take on that situation and what we can do?

Speaker 2:

No, I get what you're talking about, because I think people think when I get to this state of wholeness, I'm going to be this monk up on the mountains and I don't have to interact with anything in life. I don't think that's reality, because what I think happens is, if you're truly complete in your peace, complete in your joy, complete in your wholeness, you're going to get your taxes done because it's the world in which you live in. You're just not doing it from a place of fear and you use the word I have to. I think that's part of the problem, and this ties back into it, gives me clues towards where am I acting out of If I have to do something, or should do something, or got to do something. That's that inner parent just trying to force you past the feeling. Because, let me flip it this way why are you not doing the taxes? Because you don't feel like it. And why don't you feel like it? Well, because I don't want to face, I'm afraid that I owe too much, or I'm, you know all that type of stuff where it's not fun. Or that's the inner child giving a feeling against the inner parent, trying to force the child not do it.

Speaker 2:

And when we can get these coordinated together, we don't feel the angst about the taxes. That it's it's you come to this place of going. Okay, well, if I owe taxes, it taxes. That it's it's you come to this place of going. Okay, well, if I owe taxes, it'll be provided. I'll figure out a way. And I don't mean that as just this, because I know it's difficult, because it sounds like well, I can just just relax and I can just, I don't have to do anything. No, I think you are guided towards these opportunities that you can't see otherwise, because you're so stuck in this angst state, this high tension state, that you don't see opportunities that are there all the time. You're just not open to them because you're stuck in fear.

Speaker 1:

So let's take it back to the hook worms. Somebody has like this is and we don't have to keep this example, or maybe we do. Whatever is true to you, if somebody had that happening and had that physically happening in their body, how is that manifesting in other ways that might be affecting the mental and the physical beyond simply having some gut issues? Or is it simply gut issues? How's that showing up in their lives? I'm closing the loop on the hookworms.

Speaker 2:

Sure, no, I'm with you. From my personal perspective, I would look for where do you let people suck your life out of you or where are you sucking the life out of yourself? And this is just my own personal. There's other doctors in the offices that they have a little bit different perspective, and I'm okay with that because, again, none of us have all the answers. I like to look at it this way we have this tiny window of vision and we're looking at an elephant and I'm going it's an elephant, and no, somebody else goes. No, it's a telephant. And you know what I'm saying. It's like none of us have this complete picture, and so to me it'd be arrogant to say I know it all. It's just from my perspective. This is how I've seen the world and this is what's helped me and what I work to do to help my patients is going. I ultimately believe my own personal belief is we manifest a mindset, and so that's ultimately what I'm driving towards Now to kind of answer your question in a way too is I have people that come in that they don't want to go to the mindset, and I'm okay with that.

Speaker 2:

We got it. I want to help you deal with the parasite. We don't just magically go. She's magically going to go away. No, you've gotten to this place where you're unhealthy. Let's help support your system until you can support yourself. And I'm also looking at. Okay, where does this same concept play out in other areas of your life? Where does this mindset or this state of being play in other areas?

Speaker 1:

Because you've got some energy that's obviously been stuffed down and has created perhaps some energetic frequency that is attracting or creating something that's happening down there. To loop us back to the beginning of the conversation, I don't remember if I told you this One of my aunts had an actual miracle happen during chiropractic care. She had tried everything, she was in a wheelchair. She had so much back pain, she'd been in a car accident. She was in a wheelchair for years. She starts seeing a kinesiologist and one day she's walking. She is without the pills, she is without the wheelchair, she is walking and then, oh, I get goosebumps every time I talk about it or even think about it, and then she ends up. She has dementia, so she's lost. She's still alive, but she's not actively speaking and talking.

Speaker 1:

The thing that she did when she went to the Catholic Care Center where she's at, she walked. That's all she wanted to do is just walk and walk and walk and walk. And it's just amazing that she had years of her life where she couldn't and it's all she wanted to do. But so I'm such a firm believer. I witnessed a miracle. That was a miracle in my own she's also a nun but a miracle in my own family life of somebody who worked with somebody who does similar work to you in their unique way and supported her with a physical manifestation that, through the body work, type of work that you do, she had this happen. It's amazing.

Speaker 2:

It's really cool to see. Yeah, you know people that are either just severely debilitated or you know we have people that have come in in wheelchairs that now are not and have. You know their life is just it's miserable, and they, you know, it takes time and it takes work. And the thing I find interesting, I think ultimately all of it comes down to not all of it. I think as much as 80% of what we experience comes down to our faith, what we put faith in, and I don't mean a lot of people take well, that's religious, no, it's whatever you believe in and have faith in.

Speaker 2:

I think our thoughts are electrochemical, I think our feelings are physiologic and I think our beliefs are bioenergetic, that everything is that energy and when we believe, we manifest a certain energy and if we can change that belief this isn't a takeaway from anybody's work, because I say the same thing about mine is she had faith in what she was experiencing and I think that is as much of what gives us the miracle as anything is.

Speaker 2:

If we can, what we believe is going to happen. I think tends to happen and we can use that either positively or negatively. This kind of ties back One of the things I do a lot of is I do a lot of meditation because to me it's hard to get hold of is this concept of the quantum realm, where everything's ultimately energy, and if you've done any of that it's like, okay, wow, this is kind of because one of the things in dispenses meditation is this concept of all frequencies already exist. So it's not I don't have to make it, I just got to resonate with it and it manifests that makes sense To me.

Speaker 1:

I play in the quantum all the time. And I've got my husband. I'm like, okay, we're going to manifest a driveway we are focused on. Like we're going to like play and see if we can play. To me it's like, why not play in this? It's fascinating. There's so much research being put into it. He, he's doing some very cool research, as are a lot of people. There's fascinating research happening with the hydrogen atom and water and all kinds of things.

Speaker 1:

Why not play? I mean, we've created the world that we've created, so why not play with a better world that we want to create? That's better. I also was telling my husband just yesterday I'm like, for whatever your side of this is does not matter, but Donald Trump is the strongest manifester I have ever seen. If he speaks something into reality, it becomes a reality and keeps making it happen over and over and over. So if we needed proof that manifestation is real and that you can play in quantum realities, just watch him. He's doing it right here before our eyes. So why not play in the things that we really desire ourselves to create in the world? I don't know if that goes off field from what you were saying, but for me I'm just like why not play?

Speaker 2:

I think one of the things in my recent realization of my own childhood beliefs I realized and this kind of ties all this together too. So in my belief I can summarize this is kind of what I can't believe is I can't have what I want. Others get to have what I would want and God's the one controlling it. So I feel like a victim, I feel jealous of others and I am a. I feel like a victim, I'm jealous, I feel jealous of others and I'm mad at God. And what I came to realize is I'm the one creating it. I. I believe there's a divine force, god, whatever term, people I don't get hung up on that term but I believe there is an orchestration that is bigger than all of us that ultimately is loving and kind and generous and all that type of stuff. And I believe so I'll tie it into this I think there are four levels of consciousness that we operate out of. The bottom is is to me, I'm a victim. The next level is by me, it's my efforts, it's my achievement, then it's through me, which to me is our thinking process. And the last is as me or with me, and I think as when I can get into that top level of consciousness. I realize I'm the one generating my life, it's how I interplay with it, it's that generating my life, it's how I interplay with it. It's that. And what I realized is I like your perspective of being able to play in it. I was creating that.

Speaker 2:

I, I can't, so that counterbalance that I'm going, if I don't deal with this, I can't fully experience this, and that's what's been freeing for me is going. I don't have to keep operating out of that place, I can play, and that's what's been freeing for me is going. I don't have to keep operating out of that place, I can play, and that's one of the things I'm working on. It takes time. It's uh, because I'm working on. I got some dental issues, yeah, and so I want to get to places. I don't need these things and I, you know, one thing that happens over time is, um, these don't tend to work as well. Now, some of that I know is selective. Don't ask my wife as well. Now, some of that I know is selective, don't ask my wife.

Speaker 1:

For anybody just listening, he's pointing to ears and eyes.

Speaker 2:

Oh, yeah, sorry about that. So, but I want to have those things change. And it's being able to actually sense and feel that vibration is really cool. It's being able to sustain and I think this is where some people they'll get into seeking to do manifestation stuff and they can't sustain it and so they give up. And this is obviously something you mentioned. Trump, he, has a very driven, sustained concept within himself that just drives it. Yeah, not everybody has it. There's a lot of belief.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, absolutely, it's fascinating. It has been fascinating to watch because people will say there's no way and I'm like watch it, just watch it. It's wild. And if we could all apply that, I just think if we could all apply that in our own lives, what could potentially be possible. There's so many things in this world that we thought were impossible that people have made possible. So I don't doubt it at all.

Speaker 1:

You were pointing to your ears and somebody was just telling me the other night I have tinnitus. That started when I went to a really loud event recently and they were telling me that there's ways to train your brain. They've come up with some new therapies that train your brain to get rid of the tinnitus and it's like it's actually your brain that's causing the tinnitus because of the. It's like it kind of blew my mind a little bit and I don't know enough about it to explain it. But it's just. There's so much. That is just. It's our perception and we can. We have what you explained about the victim by me, through me, as me. It's so empowering. It's that's where real empowerment lies. Just so funny. The actual power lies in surrender and not in control.

Speaker 2:

Right, it seems counterintuitive. Well yeah, I'll throw one other thing for you to get you can throw out to the listeners and people are watching too.

Speaker 2:

If you want to start getting clues towards where you're at, listen to your words, because you said I have tinnitus. That's a possessive phrase, that's an identity phrase, as opposed to I'm experiencing the symptoms of tinnitus. That's an experience that can change Identity and possession doesn't tend to change a lot. I pay a lot of attention, especially to myself, to the words I use and to the words other people use, and then, if you want to take another step is pay attention to the intonation and even the facial expressions. I love asking people questions because they answer, whether or not they realize or not, whether they say any words at all. You always answer a question because your brain, your brain, cannot answer. It cannot not answer a question. It won't leave it alone. Think about this. You try to think about something. You go. I can't figure it out and you forget about it. You go do something else. All of a sudden, the question is like oh, that's what it was. The brain is always seeking to answer a question can answer questions.

Speaker 1:

It's so true that comes back to that curiosity curiosity opening the door to so many things for your brain. That's always what I welcome with my clients is asking a question. If there's something that you want, what if I could? And answering it like that, you just opened up my mind about this tinnitus thing. I'm going to be thinking about that all night. Dr Farney, is there anything that we have not covered today, that you're like? I just think people need to know this. This is something that's so important in your work. Have we covered all the bases?

Speaker 2:

Let me just throw out we've kind of covered this, but I want to end with this point because it kind of ties into your last point, because here's what I think happened in the brain is, along with this I can't, I can't, I can, I can't aspect there, you can put it in a little bit different thought process too, because most of us tend to live either stuck in the past or trying to control our future instead of living in our present moment. And what I think happens to us a lot of times is let's take the tinnitus and the brain goes what if this never goes away? And we get stuck in this loop. And the longer it's there, the more we're stuck in this loop and the more things that we try and the more that we don't get any answers, the more we get stuck in this loop and the more solid it starts to become. Why don't we ask the other question what if this goes away?

Speaker 2:

You talked about manifesting and you said something along the phrase of why can't we manifest? Or what if I can't? Or it's well, what if I could? We tend to go, and it makes sense, because the number one thing the bottom part of the brain wants to get at is safety. So it's looking for what are the worst case scenarios so that it can survive, because that's its primary thing. If we could take that mechanism and this is what I that goes too deep. I want to throw out one little thought real quick with it, if we can. So for those of you that grew up in the traditional Judeo-Christian mindset, there's this idea of we live in a fallen body, that it just it's our nature, and I'm going what if it's not? I think the very bottom part of the brain is in and of itself. It's always after safety. So ultimately it's ultimately selfish because it's self-preservation. Can we rise above that and evolve for lack of a better term and change this? What if all these bad things happen to? What if good things happen?

Speaker 1:

Because I don't think we do that very often, because it's scary, because you're going into surrender.

Speaker 2:

Exactly. And not only are you going into surrender, you're also opening up possibilities, because that's the problem is, when we go into fight or flight, the heart goes it's not safe, and so the brain says I can't create, so we don't, we're just trying to survive, whereas when the heart and this is what's funny, and Dr Joe talks about this when the heart goes, it's safe. Now the brain creates. And that's this whole concept of what I'm trying to activate is what if these good things happen? I'm sitting here fretting over something that may or may not ever occur as a what if? Statement, and I'm not even allowing the other side of that to even come into play to balance it out. Because, yeah, what if negative things could happen?

Speaker 2:

And part of what I do, too, is I take people. I'm going okay, let's mentally go all the way out to your end point. Let's go to the very worst case scenario of what if? Because, no matter what it is, you're going to have to figure out how to deal with it. Now that we've done that, now let's take that energy and let's go the other direction. What if all the good things can happen? That's this little switch that I think is happening all the time inside of us and we're either in that rest and digest, heal and repair state or we're in the fight or flight. And then I'm going to even take on top of that. What Dr Joe talked about is can we come to this place of ecstasy where we're almost supernatural? We are playing that, we're just enjoying the game and all of it's an experiment and we don't have to perceive any of it from an unhealthy place.

Speaker 1:

A curiosity that I have that's coming to mind is what if that's even more of the child coming out to play? Because children play in possibility. So a lot of times we let the mind rule. So what would it be like to free that up? And I just did a breathwork session with a beautiful facilitator today who helped us to free energy and our lower chakras and she's like that's the energy of play, so we're letting that roll through, so we could go all day. Thank you so much for sharing that. I think that really solidifies some of this for those of us and I know that this whole conversation brought up so much curiosity and everybody, which just delights me to the nth degree. I have one last question. I ask everybody who comes on the podcast where do you see the magic in the world?

Speaker 2:

magic in the world. Well, to put it in the answer to what we've already been talking about, it's the inner child. I'll answer it this way too. I think the problem is that concept of I'm not good enough, something's wrong with me. That is a lie that the inner child came to believe, because I believe our truest essence is peace, joy and love. We don't have to become it, we already are it. We've just gotten a bunch of garbage on top of it or we've become disconnected with it. And that's the magic. If you think about your most beautiful moment that you ever had in your life, you're at peace of mind, you're enjoying your heart and you're loving your soul. That's who we are. It's not what we have to become, it's we already are. That We've just bought into a lie. That's not true. That's, to me, the magic.

Speaker 1:

That's beautiful. Thank you for sharing everything that you shared. Where can people connect with you? Where can they learn more about you? Hear from you?

Speaker 2:

So our clinic is called Dose Air Life Center. They can look us up online. We have a website. If they want to contact me specifically, they can email me at drcraig at docerelifecentercom. You'll have the link, I'm sure, but it's d-o-c-e-r-e-l-i-f-e-c-e-n-t-e-rcom. I almost feel like I'm doing supercalifragilisticexpialidocious.

Speaker 1:

Click the link. Click the link in the show notes.

Speaker 2:

I've also. I don't have a good presence yet on social media. I'm working towards that, but if anybody has a very personal question that they want to get at me directly, they can just email me at drfarney at gmailcomcom. Be more than happy to answer any questions that I can.

Speaker 1:

And you're located in Wichita, kansas, which is my hometown. A lot of listeners of this podcast live in Wichita, so if people want to see you in person, do you do also online consults? We do.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's what I almost find fascinating too is we do Zoom calls, so you're going wait a minute, how are you doing energy work over zoom? It's wild and fascinating. We got we actually had people in almost every state. We I think there's about six or seven we're not in yet and we've had multiple people in other countries as well that we do work with. So, yeah, um, in person always works the best. We can also do over online as well. Yeah, beautiful.

Speaker 1:

I received Reiki. I do breath work online. I'm a firm believer in energy. There is a difference when you can do things in person with people and you can receive so much benefit online. Thank you so much for coming on the podcast Go ahead.

Speaker 2:

Let me throw out one little thought with two. One thing we offer is we always offer 20 minutes of complimentary time If you want to just check out what we're doing. If you're a little unsure, you're more than welcome. Just to you know, either contact me and we can do 20 minutes of time and just discuss what it is that we can do and what you're concerned about and how we might be able to help. Beautiful, Thank you so much. Thank you, I appreciate the time.

Speaker 1:

Wowie, wow, what was your biggest takeaway from this conversation? It's so thoughtprovoking, the things that he brings up and all of these concepts, the research that is out there right now and the things that we are learning and diving into. If you haven't checked out Dr Joe Dispenza and his work, it can feel a little bit heavy or super weird and kooky to some people if you've never done it before. And once you try it, there's definitely something going on to it. He is doing research on cancer that is being actively done. I believe he's working with either UCLA, mit. He's working with some of the biggest research centers in the world on meditation and how meditation is actively changing the brain and how the brain, how our mind, how our energy field changes the world around us. It's fascinating. I'm definitely not educated enough on it to explain all of what is happening, but there are physical things in our body that happen when we meditate and when we dip into what he calls the quantum, the cortisol in our body that is causing so much inflammation, that is causing all of these medical problems, problems with our heart, mindset problems. All of these things begin to shift when we start to meditate, and shift at even a greater rate when we meditate in the way that he meditates. So we talked quite a bit about Dr Joe today, so I wanted to give a little bit of color to that. For those who might not have heard of him or might be a little bit curious, I'll put a link in the show notes linking out to Dr Joe so that you can go and check out what he's got going on. Thank you so much to Dr Craig for coming on today. Stay tuned for Thursday's thread, where I'm going to pull out a little string from this conversation so that we can go deeper and I'll share my own thoughts, my own color on this conversation that I just had with Dr Craig Farney.

Speaker 1:

If you enjoyed something about this episode, if it made you think, if it got you curious, please share it. Share it with a friend who you can then have a little conversation about all of this with and get curious together. If you really enjoyed it, you can also share it on social media. Take a little screenshot of the episode right here on your phone, paste it to your Instagram stories. You can tag me. I'm untetheredjen on Instagram. If you tag me, I will always reshare your posts. Thank you again for listening. You just keep shining your magical unicorn light out there for all to see. I'll see you next time. Bye.

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